What You Need to Know About Body-to-Scalp Hair Transplants

Contents1 What Is a Body-to-Scalp Hair Transplant?2 Where Does the Hair Come From?2.1 Beard Hair2.2 Chest Hair2.3 Back Hair 3 How Effective Are Body-to-Scalp Hair Transplants?3.1 Hair Texture and Compatibility3.2 Growth Cycles3.3 Transplant Survival Rate3.4 Natural Appearance4 The Procedure: What to Expect4.1 Initial Consultation and Planning4.2 The Extraction Process4.3 Graft […]

Stem Cell Hair Restoration or Stem Cell Hair Transplants

At Houston Hair Transplant Center (HHTC), Dr. Jezic and his team offer a range of hair restoration procedures and solutions for both men and women that can restore your hair and improve your density. One hair restoration procedure that’s an alternative to traditional methods and shows tremendous promise is stem […]

Mega Hair Transplants Explained: How They Work and Who Can Benefit

If you suffer from significant hair loss, you know just how much of an impact it can have on your life. Not only will you appear older than you feel on the inside, but it can also have a negative effect on your self-confidence, causing you to make decisions that […]

The Combat Against Hair Loss Was Hopeless

Diffuse thinning, receding hairline, and bald spots. The hereditary condition called male-pattern baldness has been the ultimate cause of insecurity, from as young as one’s early twenties. For years, men settled into wearing toupées to hide baldness. Others have just learned to live with it.  Roughly 40% of women are […]